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Miscellenia Kingdom Simulator & Loot Calculator




Keep coffer fixed
Approval rating: 100%
Keep approval fixed
'Royal Trouble' completed?
Collected Loot

Price Checker:

Total Value: 0
Days Elapsed0
Gp Spent0
Loot value0
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Calculator information:

Formulae and equations used in this calculator are based on this tweet: ["How does your Kingdom work? V2"] by @JagexKieren

Keep coffer fixed = keeps the coffers fixed at the threshold value for maximum kingdom output (500K without Royal Trouble, 750K with Royal Trouble - coffer value will not decrease between simulated days)

Keep approval fixed = keeps the approval rating fixed at the current value - approval will not decrease between simulated days

Price checker also includes bird nests and possible seeds or rings from opening the bird nests.

The interface of this calculator is altered on mobile to help fit small screens better.

Prices of kingdom loot items are updated on a daily basis.

Approx. daily kingdom profits for each resource: (with 100% approval, full workers on resource, and maximum coffers with Royal Trouble completed)

MiningNaN gp
WoodNaN gp
Raw: NaN gp
Cooked: NaN gp
FlaxNaN gp
HerbsNaN gp (average)
Mahogany: NaN gp
Teak: NaN gp
Both: NaN gp

Note: includes bird nests value, but does not include bonus items e.g. gems, caskets and extra rings/seeds